The Care Act 2014

We Clear, We Clean, We Organise

Turn the Tides supports vulnerable adults to live independently in their communities. The work we do contributes towards meeting social care needs.

  • a) managing and maintaining nutrition.

    When a person is housebound we can support them to compile a shopping list of provisions and can shop for them. If they are able to use the internet we can support them to set up online shopping.

  • (b) maintaining personal hygiene.

    By ensuring bathroom areas are clean and hygienic we promote the use of washing facilities, enabling the person to access these and encouraging them to change used towels and dispose of old toiletries as required.

  • (c) managing toilet needs.

    We do not provide personal care but keep toilets clean and flushing. This means that a person with continence issues has access to their working toilet and can make full use of the facility. We encourage the person to dispose of used pads in lidded bins with liners so these can be taken to kerbside bins easily. We clear and clean human waste and used pads.

  • (d) being appropriately clothed.

    We support people to make use of the laundry facilities in their home. Most of the people we work with have washing machines and we can help them use these, if required. When a person is unsure regarding the best way to dry clothing we can advise them with regards to keeping rooms well-ventilated and maintaining clear access routes.

    Being enabled to use laundry facilities means that a person is more likely to have appropriate clothing choices.

  • (e) being able to make use of the adult’s home safely.

    We support people to declutter their homes and clear access routes through the property to maintain safety. Clutter can be a fire risk and trip hazard: we work to reduce these risks.

    Sometimes people can leave flammable material, such as paperwork, near sources of heat, e.g. Cookers, candles. We support them to allocate more appropriate places for paperwork and encourage them to keep cooking areas free of extraneous matter.

    Where people are smokers we ensure ashtrays are emptied and kept free of flammable materials.

  • (f) maintaining a habitable home environment.

    Some people have a large amount of clutter and may identify as hoarders. We take a non-judgmental and sensitive approach to hoarding, respecting a person’s choices and attempting to find a satisfactory way to manage the hoard without distressing the person who owns the items.

    A large amount of clutter is not necessarily a hoard. We work with people who may have physical health limitations or struggle with motivation to sort through belongings. Sometimes they just don’t know where to start. It is not that they are necessarily overly attached to their possessions, they just aren’t sure what is actually there. We help them sort through the items, encouraging them to make decisions about what to keep and what to discard.

    We empower people to direct the sorting and clearing process, enabling them to develop new skills and a sense of achievement.

  • (g) developing and maintaining family or other personal relationships.

    When a person’s home gives them pride they feel more able to invite guests in. Many of the people we have worked with have said that they are now happy for family and friends to visit, and relationships have been rekindled.

  • (h) accessing and engaging in work, training, education, or volunteering.

    Through supporting people to feel safe and secure at home, to have access to clean clothing and nutrition, we are laying a foundation whereby they can feel more confident in the workplace, including volunteering or undertaking courses in the community.

  • (i) making use of necessary facilities or services in the local community including public transport, and recreational facilities or services.

    We work with a number of people who have no access to the internet and rarely leave their homes. We can assist them by searching for what’s happening in their neighbourhood and providing phone numbers for organisations/events they are interested in investigating further, including access to transport options.

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What We Offer

Turn the Tides is not just a cleaning company. We offer a range of services; you can check them out by clicking below.